Non-Industrial Sites

The RusSurvey® Group conducts site inspections and risk surveys of operation of storage, production and logistics centres, shopping, entertainment, administrative and office buildings, hotel complexes, as well as risk surveys of storage of goods and materials at storage facilities both owned by the owner and leased.

These measures will allow Insurer to assess the quality of risk and the amount of potential loss, and the Insured to obtain an unbiased independent opinion on the state of protection of their property from fires, explosions, malicious acts, climatic perils, etc., as well as professional recommendations aimed at prevention of hazardous events and mitigation of their consequences.

Site inspections and risk surveys are conducted by the Company’s highly qualified specialists having long experience in ensuring fire and industrial safety, in surveys and risk audits of enterprises of various types and sizes, including at the facilities mentioned above.

In order to increase the informativeness of the report and fairness of the risk assessment, during the survey process we can take photographs of documents, buildings, structures, units and assemblies, as well as elements of the systems influencing the level of exposure of insured objects to risks.

Upon completion of the engineering survey and familiarization with the working condition of the facility and applied management principles concerning loss prevention, we issue a report on the survey of insurable risks, containing MFL estimates and recommendations aimed at the prevention and mitigation of consequences of hazardous events.

In addition to the narrative, the report contains surveyors’ remarks concerning the circumstances revealed during the site survey, which, in our opinion, negatively influence the level of exposure of the property to be insured to perils.

The risk survey report usually consists of the following sections and subsections:

1. Preface

2. Summary and Conclusions

2.1. Location. Site layout

2.2. Work Management

2.3. Structural and Space-Planning Solutions

2.4. Utilities and Heating Systems

3. Fire Safety and Security Systems

3.1 Fire Safety Arrangements

3.2. Basic Fire Extinguishing Equipment

3.3. External and Internal Firewater Supply Systems

3.4. Fire Detection and Extinguishing Systems

3.5. Emergency Rescue and Fire-Fighting Teams

3.6. Site Physical Security

3.7. Engineering and Technical Elements of Protection against Malicious Acts

4. Loss History

5. Risk Evaluation and Assessment

6. Estimated Maximum Loss

7. Risk Mitigation Recommendations

8. Conclusions

9. Appendices

10. Photographs

The RusSurvey® Group offers a customized fee policy, and depending on customer needs and budget opportunities, the Report may be issued in extended, standard or brief forms. The forms differ in the scope of submitted materials, depth and completeness of the analysis of potential pre-risks, quantity of analysed emergency scenarios and MFL estimates, and, hence, in the cost of work done.