Internal Safety Management System audit for ship companies and ships to verify the compliance with the ISM Code

RusSurvey® offers services related to the voluntary internal audit of ship companies and ship to verify the compliance with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code).

The objects to be audited are sea and river craft of various types and purposes.

When conducting an audit, we apply the principles of the Audit System of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

The competence of an expert authorized to conduct internal SMS audits is confirmed with a respective Certificate issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Our services provide to our clients (Russian and international insurers, P&I clubs, ship companies, law firms, international survey companies) an independent assessment of the actual compliance with the requirements of the ISM Code and an analysis of information regarding how in fact the ship is being operated and which risks should be paid more attention to.